
Sep 28, 2008 by

Asylum came back from Ballista, so I’ve sent it on to Electric Spec. I’ve also tidied up a bit of flashfic (ghost story I’ve had sitting in my ‘beginnings’ folder for so long I’d forgotten it was actually complete, albiet a very very early draft) and submitted it to Flashquake.

I’m currently working on a ‘real’ horror (no supernatural element at all!) that I might submit to Black Static when it’s done. It’s a little bit Tell-Tale Heart, but instead of beating there’s a buzzing, and our murderer isn’t imagining it. It doesn’t have a name yet, but I did have to stop what I was doing to complete an interrupted sentence (the danger of writing at work) with “cannabilistic maggots”, so I’m having fun with it.

It’s actually another plot I found in my Beginnings folder, which I was giving a clean out the other day. Most of the files in there are between five and ten years old. There’s a lot of odd romance bits, with step-brothers falling for each other and circus performers called Jelly in polygamous relationships.

But anyway, I wanted some inspiration, and there was all sorts in there. To be honest, I might as well keep a ‘concepts’ folder, because most of the ideas that come to me aren’t ready to be written yet, and it’s very obvious from the two-or-three paragraph long files that fill that folder.

A Plague of goodwill is sweeping the blogosphere! K V Taylor loves my blog!

The rules go something like this:

1) Add the logo of your award to your blog.

2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.

3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.

4) Add links to those blogs on your blogs.

5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Most of the blogs I read are personal, so I don’t quite feel comfortable nominating any of them. Those I do read, I don’t actually know the writers of very well. So I’m sort of chickening out of part five on this (and at least one blog here has mentioned they won’t be taking part in that element either).

Anyway, go read some blogs wot I luv!

Smart Bitches, Trashy Books
Romance novel snark. I don’t even read (much) romance, and I’m addicted.

Redlines and Deadlines
The Ellora’s Cave editors’ blog.

Women of Mystery
Collection of female mystery and crime writers.

Writer Beware Blogs
A must read for anyone trying to get published.

Dear Author
Romance reviews (most of the big blogs I read are romance based solely because of SBTB linking me to them) and a lot of interesting posts of eBooks.

Inky Circus
Inkling’s blog; hasn’t updated in a while, which makes me sad because it’s an awesome science ezine.

Cake Wrecks
It makes me laugh so hard it hurts.

Oh, and can’t fail but to point you back towards KVTaylor again!


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