Print books

Jan 14, 2011 by

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Since I asked about ebooks, I figured it was only fair to ask about print as well. According to LibraryThing, about a third of my dead tree books are secondhand, but that’s a market in and of itself (that some publishers, I suspect, wish didn’t exist). With new books, I mostly shop at the local Waterstones, though before it closed in the UK I was a dedicated Borders girl. Most of the independents in the city centre just don’t stock what I’m looking for; the vast majority of them are antique or first edition specialists anyway, so they often fall under ‘secondhand’.

You’re more likely to find me buying DVDs on Amazon than books, though over the last few years even that’s reduced. All the bad press has put me off, and since I have other options I’ll exercise them (while they still exist!). On the other hand, I bought a large proportion of my Christmas gifts through them because I could get a good range of things and ship them to my parents’ address easily and cheaply. So I’ve not taken what you’d call a stand, I guess. Maybe a sit? A half crouch?

Where do you stand (or sit)? Convenience, price, customer service, local businesses, or business model?


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