Motivation Monday

Oct 4, 2010 by

Publishing: Alyson Press is following Dorchester’s lead, and going e-only. It’s another publisher that appears to have been struggling for a while. eBooks: not a universal panacea. Meanwhile, Slate has a “won’t somebody think of the children” moment over erotica topping the Kindle charts. Gotta love the abuse of the word “probably” in that article, where “probably” translates as “if I did research it might contradict me, so I won’t”.

Interest-Piquing: The Sun gets it’s knickers in a twist over the NHS spending tax payers money on porn, but Ben Goldacre (writing for The Guardian) provides scientific evidence in favour of it. The comments on Ben’s column are particularly interesting, especially the personal anecdotes about IVF clinics. I really feel for the guy who recognised the end of his street in the porn video he was provided with. The Guardian also offers a wonderful deconstruction of the average newspaper article on a scientific paper. Commenters get into the swing of things too, of course.

InsPiring: io9 asks why we keep falling in love with cyborgs. It’s one of a series of 50 posts about cyborgs, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the word.

Procrastination: An animation of the 2053 nuclear explosions that took plac between 1945 and 1998. Very powerful.


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