Monday Motivation

Aug 9, 2010 by

Publishing: Dorchester goes digital, and B&N looks to go private. It’s all a bit rock&roll reunion tour in print publishing too right now, isn’t it? Oh, but ebooks haven’t stopped: Conneticut is investigating agency publishing as being potentially anti-competitive.

Interest-Piquing: Joy Berry, children’s author, threatened to sue Joy Berry, erotica author, on the basis the erotica author was deliberately and commercially attempting to trade off the children author’s good name. The erotica author was published through Smashwords, who did not cave to the legal threat (though the erotica author bowed out with good grace) since they felt it was unfounded. Good for them! And honestly, if you were going to try and sell erotica using someone else’s name, I’m fairly certain that unless you’re writing a very particular (and in a lot of countries, actually illegal) niche in erotica, you’re not going to try and ride the high of an author most famous for her books in childcare, including a potty-training app.

InsPiring: Science in my Fiction puts forth a theory explaining sparkly vampires. Meanwhile, I think I’ve found a new blog to glom.

Procrasination: Orisinal, adorably cute and utterly addictive little flash games.


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