
Jun 18, 2010 by

Julia Can’t has been rejected by Take-a-Break. Very politely, of course! The signature was photocopied, so I figure it’s a form rejection (it looks like one). I have faith in this story, so I’ll try a few other women’s mags before I retire it, though I’m going to have to tweak the length for the different magazines.

Seeds and Pluvial are still with Drollerie, who’ve have a bit of a systems failure. I hope to hear back about them by the end of the month. If Seeds comes back it’s definitely going to Katey’s Red Penny Papers. If it doesn’t, I’m going to try and think of a way to tweak Exoticism to give it a sepc fic bent. Or maybe just write the mermaid thing that’s been percolating for a while…

Three Crow Press have shifted to a blog format. It’s pretty sparse right now, though they are hoping to incorporate some of the old look backĀ  into it, and the payment’s dropped to 0.5c a word. Drops of Crimson has closed altogether, which makes sense in its own way because the difference between the two zines was only slight, and they were struggling to keep up with their own schedule.

I am asking around for people interested in doing interviews. I hope to do a set comparing kinds of publishing, but I’m open to just random interviews too. I feel the need to try and theme them, but if I can reign that in I might just try and think of interesting questions instead!


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