Motivation Monday

May 24, 2010 by

I’m actually writing this on Saturday, but let’s pretend the whole weekend’s gone by. It’s been insanely hot. Sunshine makes me feel productive (partly because my curtains are too thin, so i’ve got no hope of a lie-in), but our wireless unfortunately doesn’t extend into the garden. It doesn’t really extend into my room, not if I don’t want have the pages to time out. I’ve been reading the book I got from the Early Reviewers programme on LibraryThing (it’s. um. not great), and doing as much washing as the line can hold. Sunshine! Not damp clothes!

Also, gaining a sunburn, as a base for for regular burning later this summer. In winter, you can see my veins, I’m that pale. But I live in Britain, so it’s not like I see the sun more than twice a year anyway!

Publishing: Richard Nash on using web 2.0 for promotion in publishing, and Guy Gavriel Kay on why building social communities isn’t always a good thing. My main thought being, darn, I haven’t read a GGK book in ages. Also, yes, it’s a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don’t thing. How much of your life are you willing to expose? How much do you need to expose to be more than a faceless entity?

Interest-Piquing: Your reality cheque. That 3-5% stat is one I’ve seen bandied about a bit. It feels right, though it would be interesting to actually see some research to back it up.

InsPiring: Ninjas save person from mugger. Well, that’s what happens when you mug someone next to a ninjitsu school.

Procrastination: The Swinger. I have no clue how this is done – it’s basically magic as far as I’m concerned – but it’s brilliant. The ‘python code’ (arcane sorcery) stretched the first half of every beat and shortens the second, to make any song you like swing. The examples are amazing; it works for songs you’d never imagine. But I guess it don’t mean a thing…

Also? Google “The Speed of Light in furlongs per fortnight”. Love that!


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