Monday Motivation

Apr 19, 2010 by

Firstly, a link that belongs below, really, but (a) the article is over a year old and (b) I want it to stand out because it’s interesting and I think it’s important for writers to consider the issue of race before they start writing.

Straight Talk on Race: Challenging the Stereotypes in Kids Books, courtesy of the School Library Journal.


The big news this week, and not just in publishing, is VOLCANO! The publishing specific element is its effect on the London Book Fair, which has ploughed ahead regardless.

Less melodramatically, I offer a series of articles from the National Post on publishing. The fourth one, for some reason (I suspect Penguin might have had something to do with it), has been removed from the website but can still be found on Google cache.

1. License to Deal
2. Literary Journals: The Writer’s Sandbox
3. Mark of an Editor
4. A New Breed of Penguin (google cache)
5. In the Jacket Racket
6. Book publicists: A Tale to Sell
7. Get With the Program
8. IFOA: Putting the Pages in Order
9. Ecology of Books: Flying the Coop… from a small press to a big house (and a response from Daniel Wells)

It’s a monthly series, so keep an eye out for more installments.


It’s all finance and forgeries in the Arts this week! George Washington owes $300,000 in library fines (though frankly they just want the books back, since they no longer exist), and Oxfam makes £37,000 auctioning a donated book. The National Gallery is making an exhibition of all the forgeries it’s accidentally purchased over the years, and a professor’s wife is discovered posting negative reviews of all his rivals on Amazon.


Obama has set his sights on Mars for the 2030s. Britain, meanwhile, gave up the most efficient space program in the world in the 1970s. Imagine if we hadn’t.


Oddly Specific. For those signs that are a little too literal.


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