Monday Motivation – today’s theme is apparently the press

Feb 22, 2010 by

Publishing: It’s funny how often my publishing links are actually about Piracy. It says something about where the industry is going (and where my attention is focused, I guess).The Gurdian asks who’s affected by digital book piracy, and how people react to finding they’ve being pirated. Take down notices, or one-upping the pirates by offering a legal version on the same site for only a small fee.

It’s also funny how often I link to the Guardian when I wouldn’t pick up that paper in a newsagent. Nothing against it, but outside the culture section the way it reports the news doesn’t appeal to me. I can see why a lot of the big news moguls are up in arms about this; it’s certainly not a sustainable state of affairs, but as long as someone’s writing news and editorials for free online I don’t think simply charging people for the same is going to work.

Interest Piquing The evolution of the love letter, from secret missives to sexting. Caveat scriptor.

From the BBC, which the newspaper moguls hate because they have no intention of ever charging – the website is a kind of extension to the TV broadcasting, for which most people pay their License fees (of course, you don’t have to pay your license fee to access the Beeb online). Something of the ultimate subscription model, I feel.

InsPiration: Sex and the off-label use of our bodies. For people who obsess about non-procreational sex, there are myriad arguments to defeat them. Mouths are made for eating – how dare we use them to sing? Feet are made for walking – by their argument dancing is sinful.

Procrastination: While I’m thinking about newspaper, how about the Daily Mail-o-matic? based on commonly used buzzword in Daily Mail headlines, the widget generates its own. I’ve got the greasmonkey script installed, so every time I visit the Daily Mail website (usually linked by the BBC, since it’s definitely not somewhere I’d browse normally!) the headlines are replaced with generated ones. It can make it a little hard to find whatever article I’m looking for, like the creepy bendy babies one…

(I’m fairly sure I’ve shared the daily-mail-o-matic before, though anything you can repeatedly hit refresh on is a wonderful timesink. But, if you want to be technical, call the bendy babies the procrastination. There’s more here. Some are cute, but, really, some are just plain creepy. Nothing that can count the days of its existance on one tiny, pudgy hand should be made to smile at me like that)


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