Monday Motivation

Jan 4, 2010 by

Since I’m not doing Foody Fridays any more, I thoughts I’d do a Monday link roundup. You have no idea how many synonyms I looked up for “Procrastination” before deciding maybe a more positive spin on the links might make the alliteration easier!

Publishing: Publisher’s Weekly rounds up the year. I keep forgetting Borders US is still going; Number 4 really threw me for a bit.

Interest-Piquing: Mary Beard vs Germaine Greer on the book bollards outside the Cambridge University Library. I say versus; it’s more one very negative opinion and one slightly less so! I read Mary Beard’s column regularly, and I might start reading Greer too; I don’t agree with either all of the time (or even much) but they’re both good for making you think.

InsPiration: If your bees get Varroa mites, dust them with sugar! (well, the idea really tickled me)

Procrastination: Not Always Right. I have lost so much time to this site, having been a sales assistant for several years myself. Whatever you do, don’t hit the Random button!


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