End of the Year

Dec 31, 2009 by

I feel some kind of summing up post is required.It’s not been a partciularly busy year, writing wise, but it has definitely had some significant acheivements.

In January this year my first story was accepted by a paying market. I discovered Flashes in the Dark, nad got my first acceptance from them as well (and another later in the year). During Spring the Selkie story was undergoing a solid rewrite in order to submit it to Samhain, having been rejected by Ellora’s Cave. During the Summer I got the rejection from Samhain, tweaked it again, and sent it off to Loose Id. At the same time I hammered out Swan Made (I’d spent two months trying to write a story, and then decided on the night of the deadline that I was definitely going to enter something for the Fairy Tales anthology and Swan Made was going to be it, despite the fact it was only half done). In Autumn I received acceptance for Swan Made and a rewrite request from Loose Id. In Winter I rewrote the Selkie Story for Loose Id, which I hope to submit next month, and worked on a bunch of other ongoing projects most of which are still in a notebook, rather than the netbook.

I also attended the Fishguard Writer’s Holiday, Dance Camp East, and The Bram Stoker Film Festival. I went to Scotland for the first time, and saw otters and eagles but no whales (though I did go to Wales, too). I entered multiple competitions. I managed to keep up Foody Fridays (more or less) for a whole year.

Next year? I don’t really know. I’ll definitely go back to Bram Stoker’s. I’m thinking about Fishguard, but I’m not sure about the cost. There is no DCE this year, which leaves summer free – maybe FatE again, or Glastonbury if any tickets appear for resale? I’m probably going back to being a guide at work, which will give me more time to write again.

I’m not a big resolution person. I’d actually forgotten I did make some at the beginning of this year. Once again I’ll recycle the resolutions!

1 – Keep Writing
2 – Keep Revising
3 – Keep Submitting

The long term goals are still ongoing. I’m re-submitting the selkie story before the end of January, and I’m submitting to the Three Crows Press erotica issue again (with a Banshee this time). Novel/novella wise, my goal this year is to finish the first draft of The Dark, whether in a notebook or on a computer. Short story wise, I want to bash Julia Can’t into a condition worth submitting to the WoMag market, and I’d like to write some more like it. I’d also like to try writing more erotica shorts. I’m going to focus on paying markets this year, I think.

Anyone else making resolutions? Have any long term goals you feel you’ve got closer to this year


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