Feb 16, 2013 by

Coming Soon

Cover for Lathered, coming soon from Forbidden FictionGuess what has a cover and is coming soon! Lathered is my second short with Forbidden Fiction, a sci fi m/m set mainly in some communal showers.

Since his husband Clint, died, Morgan’s been able to be his own man, living his own life without the burden of living up to Clint’s example. Clint was gorgeous, heroic, sensitive, a generous lover…. And perfectly insufferable. Oan, on the other hand, is everything Clint wasn’t—rude, selfish, and terrible in bed, and he hogs all the hot water in the communal showers, too. Oan is far from perfect, but maybe he’s just what Morgan needs right now.

Never Before Touched By Cupid has also appeared on the coming soon page (an m/m/m short about Roman Poets getting lyrical with each other!) but no cover yet.


(and I’ve just checked: I’ve been a member of Forbidden Fiction for a year today!)

In News
Jul 28, 2012 by

Out Now!

Cover for Wicked Fairy Tales, out now from Forbidden Fiction

An anthology of bedtime stories for adults!

Just what kind of happy goes into “happily ever after?” As children, it was enough that Pinocchio got to be a real boy and that Red wasn’t eaten by the wolf. As adults, we have a slightly different perspective. Being a real boy means having boy parts, and being eaten by someone big and bad doesn’t mean quite the same thing it once did.

Ever wonder what mermaids do with the swimmers they seduce? Or why a dragon might prefer a castle-guarded princess to a nice, easy field of sheep? What if your fairy godmother wasn’t circumspect in what wishes could be granted, or if that dainty little fairy had a much bigger appetite than one might guess?

$6.99 direct from Forbidden Fiction, also available from ARe, B&N, and Smashwords (Amazon and Sony coming soon).

If you liked A Little Night Swimming, you’ll love this special collection from Forbidden Fiction. All their erotic fairy tales (so far) in one bumper anthology!

Jul 20, 2012 by

Coming Soon!

Cover for Wickey Fairy Tales, coming soon from Forbidden Fiction

Guess what’s due out by the end of the month? If you haven’t already got A Little Night Swimming, or if you have and it whet your appetite for further fairy tale sexcapades, make a date in your diary to buy Wicked Fairy Tales, one of the first special collections released by Forbidden Fiction.

(isn’t that cover gorgeous! Probably my favourite on the whole site! Except ALNS, of course.)